Daniel Kurganov

How I wish PRACTICING was explained to me as a student

Your 'Good' Bowhold Hurts Your Playing! | Daniel Kurganov #violin #technique #shorts

9 Exercises to Transform your Violin Technique

Playing the Violin Softly but with Purpose

Trump vs Biden: Violin Parlando Technique #violin #classicalmusic #trump #biden

Fix your intonation in a week [Violin Technique]

Voices of the Resilient - A Home Concert

15 Ultimate Violin Vibrato Tips (PART 1)

More Vs Less Bow | Daniel Kurganov #violin #tchaikovsky #shorts

The Mystery Violinist everyone MUST hear

Simple & Powerful Violin Etudes [only known in Russia] PART 1

Favorite moment of Franck Violin Sonata #violin #piano #violinist

Use this violin trick to quickly learn passages and improve intonation! #shorts #violin #vivaldi

Kurganov-Finehouse Duo | Tchaikovsky's Sweet Dream

Markov Violin Method for Smarter Scales

Experience the ‘da Vinci’ Stradivari | $15.3 Million Violin Sold

Ysaye's Secret Violin Exercise

Unknown (Awesome) Violin Exercise by Dounis

Daniel Kurganov - Constantine Finehouse CD Preview

Level-up your Violin Practicing with “Contrasts” Technique

For my Grandfather Oleg on his 91st Birthday (Dvorak - Songs My Mother Taught Me)

Best Basic Violin Bow Hold

Finding a rich and lush violin sound 🎻🎶 #shorts

2 new ways to boost left-hand CONFIDENCE - Violin Technique